Iowa Bibliophiles – Guest Author Megan Rosenbloom

Shambaugh Auditorium, University of Iowa Main Library 125 W Washington St, Iowa City, IA

Iowa Bibliophiles is a group for book lovers and enthusiasts of all kinds hosted by the University of Iowa Libraries' Special Collections and Archives. All are welcome at this special event. Hear a talk by special guest Megan Rosenbloom, author of Dark Archives: A Librarian’s Investigation into the Science and History of Books Bound in Human Skin.

James Fitzmaurice – Hobgoblin Gennel

Shambaugh Auditorium, University of Iowa Main Library 125 W Washington St, Iowa City, IA

Join author James Fitzmaurice for a conversation about his new young adult novel, Hobgoblin Gennel. In this off-beat tale of adventure, teenagers Irie and Fred are fast friends. Irie, of Afro-Caribbean heritage, was born in Sheffield where they both live. Fred is an expat American transplanted from Yuma, Arizona with a keen interest in Sheffield’s