SlamoVision Slam

PS1 Close House 538 S Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA

SlamoVision is a project of the international UNESCO Cities of Literature. Slam poets in some of the 53 Cities of Literature around the world will compete in their home cities. One poet from each participating city will move on to an international competition to be judged by fans from the other cities. At the end

SlamoVision Poetry Competition

PS1 Close House 538 S Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA

Slam poets from around Iowa are invited to participate in a special international slam event in Iowa City on Oct. 2. SlamoVision is a project of the international UNESCO Cities of Literature. Slam poets in some of the 42 Cities of Literature around the world will compete in their home cities. One poet from each


Cheap Copies! DIY publishing with Mimeo, Hecto and Ditto

PS1 Close House 538 S Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA

with Rich Dana Mon Aug. 22 & Tues Aug. 23 , 6-9pm at PS1 Close (538 S. Gilbert) pay-what-you-can: $15-100 Visit to register Before social media, even before xerox-copied zines and flyers, marginalized communities used simple copying techniques-- hectography (gelatin printing) mimeography (stencil printing) and spirit duplication (alcohol transfers, also known as "ditto")-- to