Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Translation! Ever New, Ever Elusive

Old Capitol Senate Chamber 21 N. Clinton St., Iowa City

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak is University Professor at Columbia University.  Her first job was at Iowa (1965-77), where she went through the ranks, and profited greatly by the absolute support of colleagues among whom she would mention President Sandy Boyd, Vice President May Brodbeck, Chairs John Gerber and David Hayman, and many many others. She met

Patchwork: A Reading of Literary Translation

Iowa City Public Library 123 S. Linn St., Iowa City, IA

In every corner of this universe, there is a story waiting to be heard. Join the students of the Literary Translation MFA as they gather and read excerpts from their translations of world literature. In collaboration with Exchanges Literary Journal, the inaugural session of this reading series celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Iowa Translation Workshop.