Open House Party at PorchLight Literary Arts Center

PorchLight Literary Arts Center 1019 E Washington St, Iowa City

Join us for drinks and appetizers at PorchLight Literary Arts Center. Walk through our space and find out about all we do: residencies, our new co-op model, Misfit Master Classes, the PromptPress Reading Room, and our free programming.

Nancy Miller Gomez – Inconsolable Objects – Reading and Workshop

PorchLight Literary Arts Center 1019 E Washington St, Iowa City

Nancy Miller Gomez grew up in Kansas, but currently lives in Santa Cruz, California. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Best American Poetry, Best New Poets, Prairie Schooner, TriQuarterly, The Adroit Journal, Shenandoah, New Ohio Review, Rattle, Massachusetts Review, River Styx, American Life in Poetry, Verse Daily, The Hopkins Review, and elsewhere. She received a special mention in the 2023 Pushcart Prize Anthology and her chapbook, Punishment, was published as part of

A Lunch and Conversation with Natalie Goldberg

PorchLight Literary Arts Center 1019 E Washington St, Iowa City

NOTE: This event is sold out. Natalie Goldberg has influenced generations of aspiring creative writers with books like Writing Down the Bones and Wild Mind. Her books offer  down-to-earth guidance for developing a meaningful writing practice in the real world, however different that is for each of us. In her new book, Writing on Empty,
